Shasta Abbey Press publications, with noted exceptions, are offered in the spirit of dana for free distribution only. You may download, print and distribute copies of these works so long as no changes are made to the original. Otherwise, all rights reserved. The books themselves may be picked up when you visit the Abbey. Please note that we do not ship books. Listings of available books, as well as for booklets and articles have been grouped for your convenience. Scroll down to those of interest: Books to Begin With, Books Helpful in Taking Next Steps, Books for Going Deeper, Books Out of Print, and Booklets and Articles.
Books published by the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives and Throssel Hole Press are available for sale or in pdf form. Please see below for access and availability.
SERENE REFLECTION MEDITATION by Reverend P.T.N.H. Jiyu-Kennett and Members of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. 2016 ISBN: 978-0-930066-28-4 The informative book, Serene Reflection Meditation, has been out-of-print for some time. We have updated it and made available through, a print-on-demand publisher. This excellent introduction to our practice contains most of the old articles and some new ones as well. Articles include teachings on how to bring the Buddha’s Teaching into all aspects of our lives and how we can live in harmony with ourselves and all living beings.
This book is available as a free download in pdf form. You can purchase a paperback copy through or at the Buddhist Supplies shop when you are visiting the Abbey. There will also be copies of Serene Reflection Meditation in the Guest House, available for reading while you are there.
Edited and with an introduction by Reverend Daizui MacPhillamy, Shasta Abbey, Mount Shasta, California 2000 ISBN: 0-930066-21-9
Offered in the spirit of dana, this book is also available in the Buddhist Supply Shop at Shasta Abbey. You can purchase from Lulu or Download book in pdf
BUDDHISM FROM WITHIN: An Intuitive Introduction to Buddhism by Reverend Daizui MacPhillamy. Shasta Abbey Press, Mount Shasta, California 2003 ISBN: 0-930066-24-3 offers Reverend Daizui MacPhillamy’s unique perspective on Buddhism and Buddhist practice. Rev. Master Daizui was a senior disciple of Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett and served as her successor as Head of the Order from 1996 to 2003. Buddhism from Within is available through, a print-on-demand publisher and can be purchased at the Buddhist Supply Shop at the Abbey. This book is also available as a free download as a pdf.
ZEN IS ETERNAL LIFE by Reverend P.T.N.H. Jiyu-Kennett, M.O.B.C.,Fourth Edition, 1999. Shasta Abbey Press, Mount Shasta CA 96067. ISBN 0-930066-20-0
Offered in the spirit of dana, this book is also available in the Guest House at Shasta Abbey. Download book in pdf.
THE WILD, WHITE GOOSE: The Diary of a Female Zen Priest by Reverend P.T.N.H. Jiyu-Kennett, Roshi, Shasta Abbey, Mount Shasta, California 2002 ISBN: 0930066235. Offered in the spirit of dana, this book is also available in the Guest House at Shasta Abbey. You can purchase a copy from Lulu here.
SOTO ZEN: An Introduction to the Thought of the Serene Reflection Meditation School of Buddhism by The Very Reverend Keido Chisan Koho Zenji, Edited by Reverend Jisho Perry, M.O.B.C. Shasta Abbey Press, Mount Shasta, California 2000 ISBN: 0-930066-09-X
Offered in the spirit of dana, this book is also available in the Guest House at Shasta Abbey. Download book in pdf.
SITTING BUDDHA: Zen Meditation for Everyone by Daishin Morgan Throssel Hole Press, Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, Carrshield, Hexham, Northumberland, NE47 8AL United Kingdom, 2004 ISBN:0-9549139-0-6
The PDF version of Sitting Buddha, as well as the audiobook version (read by lay trainee Shooie ) can be downloaded from Throssel’s website. The paper back book is available for sale at the Shasta Abbey Gift Shop and the Throssel Hole Buddhist Bookshop.
ROAR OF THE TIGRESS, Volume Two Edited and with an introduction by Reverend Daizui MacPhillamy, Shasta Abbey, Mount Shasta, California 2005 ISBN: 0-930066-24-3
Offered in the spirit of dana, this book is also available in the Guest House at Shasta Abbey. Download book in pdf.
BUDDHA RECOGNIZES BUDDHA by Reverend Master Daishin Morgan. Throssel Hole Buddhist Abbey, Carrshield,Hexham, Northhumberland NE478AL, United Kingdom 1979 ISBN: 0-930066-04-9 Available for sale at the Shasta Abbey Gift Shop, the Throssel Hole Buddhist Bookshop and other book stores. Buddha Recognises Buddha has been converted to a digital format and is now available as ebooks in Amazon’s Kindle bookshop:
DENKOROKU: The Record of theTransmission of the Light by Zen Master Keizan Jokin, Translator Reverend Hubert Nearman, OBC Shasta Abbey Press, Mount Shasta, California 2003 ISBN: 0-930066-22-7 Offered in the spirit of dana, this book is also available in the Guest House at Shasta Abbey.
The following sections are available for individual download:
Denkoroku pp.i-iii
Denkoroku pp.iv-xx
Denkoroku pp.1-98
Denkoroku pp.99-225
Denkoroku pp.226-308
SHOBOGENZO: The Treasure House of the Eye of the True Teaching by Eihei Dogen Translated by Reverend Master Hubert Nearman, Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Shasta Abbey Press, Mount Shasta, California 2007 ISBN: 978-0-930066-27-7
Available to purchase on Lulu:
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Pdf of the The Shobogenzo.
Select whole Shobogenzo (including internal search function)
Instructions to activate the search function within the open Shobogenzo PDF window: for a Mac please press Command F. For a PC please press Ctrl F. You will see a small search input area up in the right corner of the pdf window. Type in a word you are looking for. It will show how many instances of that word appears in the document. There are small arrows just to the left of the search input area which allow you to go forward through the document to the next instance of the word for which you searched.
HOW TO GROW A LOTUS BLOSSOM or How a Zen Buddhist Prepares for Death by Reverend Master Jiyu-Kennett. Shasta Abbey Press, Mount Shasta, California This book is available through or you can download a PDF copy here.
BUDDHIST WRITINGS ON MEDITATION AND DAILY PRACTICE: The Serene Reflection Meditation Tradition Translator Reverend Hubert Nearman, OBC Shasta Abbey, Mount Shasta, California 1994 ISBN: 0-930066-15-4
Currently may be found through used bookstores or online. Download the ebook here.
The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives publishes a quarterly Journal containing articles on meditation and Buddhist training, written by the late Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett, priests and lay ministers of the Order, and congregation members. It also contains important announcements from the Order, newly-translated scriptures, and information on new books published by Shasta Abbey Press and Throssel Hole Press. An additional feature of the Journal is news, announcements, and photographs from the monasteries and priories of the Order, all of which help us take refuge in and keep in touch with one another. Selected articles and information about subscriptions are available through the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives.
This small booklet will introduce you to the fundamental teachings and practice of the Serene Reflection Meditation Tradition (Soto Zen) of Buddhism. Its purpose is to acquaint you with those teachings and engage your interest in Buddhist training. The booklet includes selections from Buddhist Scriptures as well as readings from books and articles by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett. Offered in the spirit of dana Download book in pdf.
The scriptures, litanies, and verses in this booklet are used daily in temples and monasteries of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives. They are from The Liturgy of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives for the Laity, second edition. This pdf is set up in such a way that if you print it out double-sided, it will form a booklet.