Jukai 2022
Stupa Vesak 2022 1
Morning service
Golden Buddha
Vesak 2022
Mt shasta
Jukai 2022 1
Great Bell
Guest house

Shasta Abbey is a Buddhist monastery in the Serene Reflection Meditation (Soto Zen) Tradition. It is a monastery of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, and was founded by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett in the name of her Teacher, the Venerable Keido Chisan Koho Zenji in 1970. Shasta Abbey is a training place for female and male Buddhist monks and is a place of practice for lay people. We offer the Dharma – the Buddha’s Teaching – to all who wish to come. Please see our Visiting page.

The monastery, located near the town of Mount Shasta in Northern California, offers retreats, ceremonies, teaching and spiritual counseling, as well as the opportunity to train within a monastic schedule. This website offers Dharma Talks; scriptures and religious writings and information on the life of the community of Buddhist practitioners (the Sangha) throughout these pages.  We welcome your interest, comments, and feedback.



July 8, 2024 UPDATES

Reverend Master Meian and Venerable Guo Huei, who is the Abbot of Dharma Drum Mountain Monastery, will have a dialogue, on Saturday, July 20. Please see more about this event at www.ddmbasf.org/registration/DharmaTalk_Abbot07202024

Dear Friends,

The Abbey continues to welcome both congregation and newcomers to join us on Sundays for either a ceremony or Meditation Sunday and Dharma talk. If you are coming for the first time, please call the Guestmaster at 530-926-4208, ext 305 or email guestmaster@shastaabbey.org in advance. The Abbey currently does not offer drop-in tours.

The Guest Office continues to offer Introductory weekend retreats. To apply to come to one of these, please fill out and submit an application.   The dates for upcoming Introductory retreats are
     July 12-14,     August 9-11,    September 6-8,   and November 15-17

Those who have attended an Introductory Retreat at the Abbey or are familiar with Soto Zen practice are welcome to apply to the following longer retreats and lay resident training at the monastery:

Continuing Practice Retreats are offered this July 25-28 and September 19-22.
Two week-long retreats  are also scheduled, one June 23-30, and another in August 18-25:
please see the 2024 Retreats page for more information, and our 2024 Calendar for dates of other retreats.

Resident Lay Training is also offered for longer stays in our monastery.  Lay residents train alongside the monastic community, with Dharma offerings especially designed for them. Periods of resident lay training can be a week or two, a month, or a training term (three months) at a time. Those interested may contact guestmaster@shastaabbey.org and may click this application form link to fill out and submit an application.

Other offerings for those new to our monastery and Soto Zen practice include a video series of online introductory classes:  Introduction to Serene Reflection Buddhist Practice and Introduction to the Buddhist Precepts

With very best wishes from the Shasta Abbey monastic community.


Please click here for the Shasta Abbey Ethics Refuge brochure.

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