Overview     Getting Here    What to Bring     Health & Accessibility     Communication    Application & Cost     Schedules    Location      Climate

For guest information, scroll down the page, or select specific topics of interest from above. For retreat dates and upcoming events go to our 2024 calendar page.

Shasta Abbey is a Buddhist monastery in the Serene Reflection Meditation (Soto Zen) Tradition. A monastery of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, it was founded by Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett in 1970 as a training place for Buddhist monastics and a place of practice for lay people. We offer the Dharma to all who wish to come.

There are three ways to come to the Abbey for the first time: attending a Sunday morning ceremony and Dharma talk, joining us for a Meditation Sunday which offers meditation instruction, or participating in an Introductory Retreat. We will be glad to offer you a short tour and orientation on Sundays.  Please see the First Visit section for more detail; and call or email the Guestmaster in advance if you are coming to the Abbey for the first time.

The means of training are thousandfold, but pure meditation must be done.

Great Master Dogen    Rules for Meditation 

We particularly welcome those who would like to attend our retreats. We suggest that all attend an Introductory Retreat before participating in any other retreats. Introductory Retreats provide an opportunity to learn about our practice of Serene Reflection (Soto Zen), within the context of our monastic community and schedule. Intro Retreats offer meditation instruction, short periods of seated meditation, Dharma talks and informal discussions with time for questions. They also provide down-to-earth suggestions for taking the practice into one’s daily life outside the monastery. To apply for an intro retreat, please fill out our application form on our website.

Lay trainees who have attended an Introductory Retreat and would like to deepen their practice are welcome to come for an extended period of time as a lay resident at the Abbey. Lay residents join in the daily activities of meditation, working meditation, ceremonies, Dharma talks and discussions. Please talk to the Guestmaster during your retreat to discuss your interest

Throughout the year we offer a range of other retreats that focus on the fundamentals of Buddhism, meditation, and specific aspects of the Dharma (teaching) arising out of contemporary practice. Please see the Retreats page.  There is also a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

Please send us your application form if you are interested in one of these retreats, and feel free to contact the Guestmaster if you have further questions..


If you are coming for a retreat, particularly an Introductory Retreat, please plan to arrive between 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. on the first day unless you have made other arrangements with the Guestmaster.

By Bus: The Greyhound bus may stop in Weed, CA, a town about four miles away. We would be glad to pick you up in Weed, Dunmuir or Mt. Shasta during business hours the day before the retreat starts. The bus schedule is currently in question (check with Greyhound or Siskiyou Transit. Before you travel, please arrange your pick-up time with the Guest Office and call us when you get to the station: 530-926-4208, ext 305
By Train: The Amtrak train stops at a rural station in Dunsmuir, CA, about 20 miles away. Coming from the north, the train is scheduled to arrive in Dunsmuir about 12:30 a.m. If you are coming from the south, the train is scheduled to arrive about 5 a.m. In our area, Amtrak sometimes runs behind schedule. You can get schedule updates by phone before departing. If your train arrives during the night, we suggest that you might like to stay at a motel in Dunsmuir for the night. We would be glad to pick you up in Dunsmuir anytime between 8:45 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Before you travel, please arrange your pick-up time with the Guest Office and call us when you get to the station: 530-926-4208, ext 305.
By Air: There are airports in Redding, CA and Medford, OR. Please arrange to make bus connections from these towns to either Mt. Shasta or Weed. Car rental service including Uber or Lyft is available at both airports.
By Car: Shasta Abbey is 3 miles north of the town of Mt. Shasta, California, as you travel on Interstate 5. Please check Google Maps for directions from your location. Please note that during winter a heavy snowfall sometimes closes Interstate 5 temporarily to cars without chains or 4 wheel drive. During the winter months is advisable to check on weather and road conditions: at www.mountshasta.com or Caltrans 1-800-427-7623 or California Highway Patrol in Yreka: 530-842-4438 or for Oregon road conditions, call 503-588-2941.

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Clothing Specifics

For Meditation and Ceremonial:

Suitable clothing such as slacks, trousers, capris and long skirts should be loose-fitting and non-constrictive, to avoid restricting your circulation during meditation. In addition, to support the quiet of the retreat and a respectful presence of mind, we ask that clothing be clean, of a subdued color, and not loud or distracting.

Unsuitable clothing would be sweats, athletic clothing, tank tops, short-shorts, T-shirts with slogans and other forms of distracting clothing. Leggings may be worn only if paired with a long tunic or dress.

The Guest Office has meditation clothing available for those who have nothing suitable.

For Work Clothes:

Please bring a change of clothing for work, including a sturdy pair of shoes. Work clothing could include jeans or sturdy pants or sweats. We have work gloves.

Seasonal factors:  Weather at the Abbey is changeable, even in summer. Extra layers, including a jacket, are advised.

In the cold season, from November through May, when temperatures range from 20 to 50 degrees Farenheit, it is wise to bring a warm winter jacket, boots, gloves, a warm hat, warm socks, long underwear and sweaters.

In the warm season, from June to September, the average daily temperature is 77° degrees F. with highs as much as 86° in late summer. The nights can be very cool, as low as 50° in early summer. It is helpful to bring clothing that can be layered to adapt to either hot or cool temperatures.

Incidentals to bring: Sleeping apparel, a watch, a flashlight, indoor slippers, flip-flops or other shoes for use in the shower, and personal toilet items sufficient for your stay. Shoes that slip on-and-off easily can be helpful because we take our shoes off in most of our buildings.

Sheets and Towels: We ask all guests to bring their own:

__top and bottom sheets (for twin-sized bed)and 2 pillowcases

__towel, handcloth, washcloth.

This conserves on our laundry expense. However if your luggage allotment does not have space for these, the Abbey can provide them. We will provide blankets and pillows.                  Please do not bring a sleeping bag.

Digital Devices: To support the focus of your retreat, we request that you leave digital devices in your locked car, or check with the Guestmaster as to where they can be stored. Internet connection is not available except in emergency; check with the Guestmaster.

Readings: Lay trainees coming to Shasta Abbey for the first time can benefit from the writings available on our website . We request that guests do not bring reading material other than Shasta Abbey Press publications.

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Illness: We request that guests postpone their visit if they have, or have been in close contact with anyone who has, a contagious disease of any kind. THIS INCLUDES COLDS AND FLU. The Guestmaster will be glad to help arrange an alternative time of visiting for anyone who must cancel for this reason. If you have questions as to the possible contagiousness of the illness, please consult your doctor and call the Guestmaster.
Physical Challenges: When you apply for a retreat or resident stay, please inform us of any physical disabilities, limitations, allergies or other conditions that may require special arrangements. Should you become ill while you are at the Abbey, please let the Guestmaster know.
Allergies: Please inform the Guestmaster of any food or other allergies and/or sensitivities.  
Wheelchair Accessibility: All of the buildings accomodating retreats are wheel-chair accessible, and a covered cloister goes to most buildings at the Abbey.
Hearing Assistance Hearing Assistance units are available for talks in the Buddha Hall. 

Insurance: Shasta Abbey does not have group insurance for lay trainees and is not responsible for any illness or accidents which guests may incur during their stay with the exception of those which are directly due to our own negligence. Please have medical insurance or funds available for possible medical emergencies.

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Telephone: If you are calling the Abbey, and know the three digit extension of the monastic office or monk you would like to reach, you may enter it at the prompt. Otherwise, please leave your message in the general mailbox and it will be forwarded appropriately. When monastic responsibilities keep us from answering the telephone, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible. If while at the Abbey you need to make a phone call, please make arrangements with the Guestmaster. We ask that you not use cell phones while at the Abbey.
Cell Phones: To minimize distractions while at the Abbey, we ask that cell phones or other screens be used only in case of an emergency; please check with the Guestmaster.  Lay trainees are welcome to use the telephone in the Vimilakirti Hall (Guest House), but we ask that calls be made and received during rest periods whenever possible. We suggest that guests bring phone cards for personal calls. Shasta Abbey does not accept collect calls.
Mailing Address: During your stay lay trainees at Shasta Abbey may have their mail forwarded or addressed as follows:
Your Name,
Shasta Abbey
3724 Summit Drive,
Mt. Shasta CA 96067-9102

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Retreat Application Form: To apply, please fill out the secure online application form, or print the form and send it to us by 
letter, fax or e-mail. Please be sure to have your completed application to us at least ten days before the retreat. We appreciate your consideration in notifying us well in advance of any cancellation. Please await confirmation of your application before making travel plans.
Cost: Shasta Abbey does not charge a set fee for attendance at any retreat. Instead, we live by and try to foster the Buddhist practice of dana — mutual giving or generosity — for all who attend retreats or train as lay residents. We ask those who join the monastic community, whether for a weekend retreat, a week or a longer period, to make an offering that is prudent, according to their means, to help support the monastery and the spreading of the Buddhist Dharma.

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Typical Introductory Retreat Schedule:
Arrivals for Introductory Retreats are generally between 1:30 and 3:00 PM on Friday. The retreat itself starts with an orientation at 3:30 PM. Because this introduction is an essential element of the retreat, arriving at alternate times must be arranged and confirmed by the Guest Office. The retreat ends with an informal tea which begins at after the Dharma Talk on Sunday afternoon. During this tea, guests are welcome to stay or depart as needed. Please click below for a pdf of our typical Introductory Retreat Schedule.

Typical Introductory Retreat Schedule

Schedule for Longer Retreats: The daily schedule for longer retreats is similar to that of an Introductory Retreat. Check the calendar for arrival and departure days. Each week-long retreat may have its own specific prerequisites. Arrival time is between 2:00 and 4:30 p.m. on the first day of the retreat.

A Typical Longer Retreat Day:
5:00 a.m. Rising
5:30 a.m. Meditation
6:15 a.m. Morning Service and Morning Office
7:30 a.m. Spiritual Reading
8:30 a.m. Breakfast
9:15 a.m. Community Working Meditation
10:45 a.m. Retreat Dharma Talk
12:00 p.m. Formal Noon Meal
12:50 p.m. Quiet Rest Period or Help with Kitchen Clean-up
2:45 p.m. Evening Service and Meditation
3:30 p.m. Retreat Dharma Talk or Dharma Discussion
5:15 p.m. Formal Medicine Meal
5:50 p.m. Quiet Rest Period or Kitchen Clean-up
6:45 p.m. Discussion
7:45 p.m. Meditation
8:30 p.m. Vespers
9:00 p.m. Lights Out
(This schedule may vary.)

Monastic Week: The monastery follows a schedule wherein we are on a renewal schedule on Mondays and Thursdays. These are the days on which monks have the opportunity to rest, make medical appointments and the like. So whenever possible, please schedule day visits to the Abbey on other than these days.

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Shasta Abbey is located along I-5 in Northern California, northwest of the town of Mount Shasta. For the address and more information, go to Contact or visit Shasta Abbey on Google Maps.

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Shasta Abbey is located at the 4000-foot elevation.
Summer: During the summer months weather in the mountains of northern California is usually warm or hot during the day and can be a little cool at night. Therefore you may want to bring summer clothing with some layers so that you are prepared for cooler evenings and mornings. For our occasional rainy periods, it’s a good idea to bring a warm sweater or jacket and hat.
Winter: Winter temperatures range from 20 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit so please bring appropriate winter clothing.
Regardless of the time of year, it is advisable to bring some warm clothing given that cool or cold days can occur in any month. Check Cal Trans for current road conditions on I-5 and check  NOAA (National Weather Service ) for the weather forecast.
Allergens: If you have airborne allergies, be aware that Shasta Abbey is located in a cedar and pine forest.

Please go to the Calendar to check the retreat dates scheduled for the year. Those coming to train at the Abbey for the first time are asked to begin their stay with an Introductory Retreat. Please complete a Retreat Application.

While you are with us, we ask that you observe the Shasta Abbey Guesthouse Rules.

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