Rev. Master Meian Elbert is a senior disciple of Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett. She was ordained a monk in 1977 and was transmitted by Rev. Master Jiyu in 1979. Rev. Master Meian was elected Abbess by the community of Shasta Abbey in June, 2010. She has also served as Chief Cook, Novice Master, Chief Precentor, Prior and Vice Abbess. She was chaplain to Rev. Master Jiyu for more than 15 years. A selection of her talks is available below. For access to additional talks, see below.



The Lotus Sutra Retreat: Introduction   6-19-19   17 min/6MB
The Lotus Sutra Retreat Talk 1: Faith   6-17-19   21 min/8MB
The Lotus Sutra Retreat Talk 2: Skillful Means   6-18-19   26 min/9MB
The Lotus Sutra Retreat Talk 3: Parables   6-19-19   26 min/9MB
The Lotus Sutra Retreat Talk 4: Prediction of Buddhahood   6-20-19   22 min/8MB
The Lotus Sutra Retreat Talk 5: Buddha Nature   6-21-19   27 min/10mB
The Lotus Sutra Retreat Talk 6: The Bodhisattva   6-22-19   27 min/11MB


Talk 7  The Unbounded   06-24-17   28 min/10MB
Talk 6  Giving Rise to the Enlightened Mind   06-23-17   34 min/12MB
Talk 5  Giving Rise to the Unsurpassed Mind   06-22-17   33 min/12MB
Talk 4  Ceaseless Practice 2    06-21-17   39 min/14MB
Talk 3  Ceaseless Practice 1    06-20-17   31 min/11MB
Talk 2  Taking Refuge in the Three Treasures   06-19-17   35 min/12MB
Talk 1  Introduction
   06-18-17   18 min/6 MB 

All of Rev. Master Meian’s Dharma Talks in reverse chronological order

1 2 3 4 5 6 34