Friends of Shasta Abbey (FOSA) is a non-profit organization established by the lay Sangha to carry forward the ancient Buddhist tradition of interdependence between the monastic and lay communities. In gratitude for the monks’ generosity in offering the Dharma, FOSA helps provide skills and resources to support and enhance monastic life at Shasta Abbey.
In the spirit of dana, the Friends of Shasta Abbey contributes revenue from its gift shop, Shasta Abbey Buddhist Supply Shop, to directly benefit the monastery. In this way, the monks, the Friends of Shasta Abbey and the entire lay Sangha work together to support each other’s spiritual training.
Friends of Shasta Abbey Brochure
We held our quarterly board meeting of the Friends of Shasta Abbey this
past Sunday, February 16. Two prospective board members sat in on the
meeting and at the end decided they would like to join the board. We
happily voted to welcome Kristy Kette and Patrick Bourrel as new board
members! KirkYarnell, a long time board member and resident photographer
retired from the board. We are very grateful for his many years of
service. We continued our discussion about how to help Laurie Ottens, our shop
manager, delegate more of the many responsibilities she has in the shop.
With this in mind there will be a training February 23 after the Dharma
talk to teach new people and remind those who have already been working in
the shop how to work the cash register. As always we are grateful to
Laurie for all she is doing to keep the shop going.
A committee was set up to explore whether using Ebay to sell items donated
by the laity would be a good fundraising project. And we are arranging a
workday to help the monks decorate the monastery for Wesak. As soon as we
have a firm date I will post it.
Finally, we are planning on having the drawing for the Lotus quilt during
Wesak, this May. We have been selling auction tickets for this handmade
quilt throughout the year and the time is approaching to see who will win
it. There is still time to purchase tickets! Tickets will be for sale at
the gift shop and we will be sending out information about how to purchase
tickets by mail shortly.
With gratitude, Carol, President of the Friends of Shasta Abbey
Officers: Carol Jenkins – President, Anne Johnson – Vice President, Laurie Ottens – Shop Manager, Beth Gong- Treasurer, Marty Sochet – Assistant Treasurer, Suzanne Kane – Secretary, Members-at-Large: Susan Place, Steve Larson, Kristy Kette and Patrick Bourrel.
Monastic Advisor: Rev. Master Daishin Yalon.
Help at the Buddhist Supply Shop with sales, inventory, accounting and more by contacting Laurie Ottens.
Join a FOSA Board committee or donate your time to an ongoing project by contacting FOSA.
Make a tax deductible donation toward any current or future project by contacting FOSA
For further information on current FOSA activities or purpose contact FOSA Board President, Carol Jenkins.
- FOSA Work Day
- Segaki Banners
- FOSA Help in Library
- FOSA Wood Day
Successful FOSA projects include the purchase and installation of hot water heaters for Abbey buildings; the purchase of a log splitter for the monastery; improved lighting in the monastery kitchen; expansion of the lay and monastic libraries; fundraising for the building of 12 new meditation screens for the Buddha Hall; and the beautiful new Segaki banners.